Sunday 4 March 2018

Cardinal Pell returns to court to fight sexual offence charges

Cardinal George Pell arrives for the court hearing in MelbourneImage copyrightEPA
Image captionCardinal George Pell arrives at a court in Melbourne on Monday
Cardinal George Pell has returned to an Australian court for a hearing that will determine whether he stands trial on sexual assault charges.
The Catholic cleric, 76, has strongly denied what police have described as historical accusations by "multiple complainants" in the state of Victoria.
He will plead not guilty to all charges, his lawyer said last year.
The court hearing in Melbourne is expected to run for a month. Much of it will be closed to the public and media.
Cardinal Pell was given a police escort into the Melbourne Magistrates' Court on Monday as dozens of media representatives and bystanders watched on.

Who is Cardinal Pell?

Australia's most senior Catholic figure is considered the third-ranking official at the Vatican, where he is in charge of the Church's finances.
Last year, Cardinal Pell took a leave of absence from as Vatican to fight the sexual assault charges in Australia.

What is known about the allegations?

Last June, Victoria Police charged Cardinal Pell with "multiple" sexual offence charges involving "multiple complainants".
Authorities described the accusations as historical, but did not give further details. On Friday, prosecutors dropped one charge.
Last year, Cardinal Pell said: "I am innocent of these charges, they are false. The whole idea of sexual abuse is abhorrent to me."
Cardinal George Pell walks into court surrounded by police, media and onlookersImage copyrightEPA
Image captionAbout 50 witnesses are expected to give evidence at the month-long hearing
In a hearing in October, Cardinal Pell's barrister, Robert Richter QC, said he intended to prove that "what was alleged was impossible".

What will happen during the hearing?

Up to 50 witnesses are expected to give evidence at the committal hearing, which is likely to run for the next four weeks.
The hearing was closed on Monday so accusers could give testimony, as required by law in Victoria in sexual offence cases. Evidence was expected to be given via video link.
At the end of the hearing, Magistrate Belinda Wallington will decide if there is enough evidence for the case to proceed to a trial in the County Court of Victoria.
The cardinal may then be required to enter a plea.

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